Pakistan Natural Beautiful: Kalash Valley of Pakistan

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Kalash Valley of Pakistan


The Kalash Valley are valleys in Chitral District in northern Pakistan. The valleys are encompassed by the Hindu Kush mountain extend. The occupants of the valley are the Kalash individuals, who have an exceptional culture, dialect and take after a type of antiquated Hinduism. All things considered, the Kalasha Valleys are a wellspring of fascination for Pakistani and in addition International vacationers. There are three principle valleys. The biggest and most crowded valley is Bumburet (Mumuret), come to by a street from Ayun in the Kunar Valley. Rumbur and Acholgah are side valleys north of Bumburet. The third valley, Biriu (Birir), is s side valley of the Kunar Valley south of Bumburet.

Kalash People

Kalash individuals are the littlest religious and in addition the ethnic minority of Pakistan. Their traditions and customs are conflicting to the Islamic and Pakistani culture. The Kalash religion is polytheist confidence and the general population offer penances for their divine beings. Their way of life is interlinked with their religion and in light of a few celebrations and festivities. The general population for the most part don't stir up with the neighborhood Muslims however nor are they threatening towards them. The general population are albeit under lawful and sacred security of the State of Pakistan yet confront a genuine risk from the Islamic Extremist aggressors in neighboring Afghanistan. A few people of the Kalash people group have likewise been coercively changed over to Islam. Numerous neighborhood and outside human rights activists and additionally numerous essential lawmakers, for example, Imran Khan have approached the legislature for insurance of the community.The Council of Islamic Ideology have likewise denounced the brutality pronouncing persuasive transformations and respect killings of non-Muslims as UnIslamic.

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